non-compliant copper cables

Are your copper cables compliant?

Garland Cables is not only passionate about ensuring the supply of compliant copper cables to the market, we also aim to provide current relevant industry information. This ensures you as the customer, are able to make the best and safest choice for your home or business.

Cheap cable alternatives are continually entering the market as manufacturer’s look to combat the increasing cost of raw materials, such as copper. Copper Clad Aluminium (CCA) cables are being sold in Australia, and what may seem like a good deal at the time may end up costing you more in the long run.

Not only do these cables not follow mandated industry Standards, they are incomparable in performance and quality assurance to compliant copper cables. They are an inferior alternative for both long and short runs. The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) states that all Category (UTP & STP), data, security and fire alarm cables must all comply with AS/CA S008:2010

What are the risks of using CCA cable? 


  • Penalties of $11,000 and up to $13,200
  • Cost of replacing networks


  • Violating national codes and regulations
  • Negligence or gross negligence
  • Reckless endangerment
  • Strict liability for personal injury
  • Breach of professional duty and conduct
  • Breach of required conduct
  • Conspiracy/accomplice to trademark violation and sale of defective products


  • Poor frequency response
  • Weak signal strengths over long runs
  • Aluminum oxidises and performance deteriorates over time
  • Notoriously unreliable for PoE applications